Monday, 23 September 2013

My name is Becky and I abuse grammar

It has been quite a while since I wrote in my blog, a few months in fact. Part of that was because we spent some time in Wales, where - believe it or not - I actually improved. When we came back home I very quickly deteriorated and found myself back where I started. That was kind of depressing to be honest. My inner tendency towards negative thoughts took over and I have spent the past three weeks or so being kind of bleurgh.

I have consoled myself with trying to write some fiction. It was actually something I had started writing before, but then had a dramatic moment and completely changed it. The basics were still there, but I did feel as though I had improved the telling of the tale. Admittedly at the point I asked if any friends would mind reading it and critiquing it for me I had only written fourteen pages. In the almost-week since some friends very, very kindly agreed to have a read I have decided that, although it is incredibly kind of them, I really do not need them to give me an opinion or ideas on how to improve because it is - quite clearly - crap. I am sure that you know what it is like when you have decided that you just completely suck at something - and I do not mean that comment in any kind of 'Carry-On' way! On the other hand, I will be incredibly grateful to read any advice they give me on improving my writing. I do know however that I cannot write fiction, not even when large chunks of it are based on reality.

 Plus, and I am sure you know this part, I suck at grammar. I cringe every time one of my friends admits to being a grammar-nazi, because I know - I just absolutely know - that I abuse the poor, innocent comma. It really does not deserve what I do to it. I am sure the comma never asked to be stuck in places that it has no reason to be in, but I cannot help it. My brain just keeps insisting that they be inserted. I do need help in stopping my terrible addiction to grammar abuse.

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