Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Exercise with FM

What do you class as 'exercise'?

I imagine that the term 'exercise' has a hugely different meaning for me than it does for most of my friends. When I was a child, it meant practising gymnastics, going horse riding, running round with my friends or whatever else I could come up with at the time. As a teenager that did change a little, although I kept up the gymnastics until my mid-teens as well as adding in scuba diving - although I will admit that part of the attraction there was the club bar where they were happy to serve me despite my age. As a healthy adult I was happy to go walking, but refused point blank to run as it was something that I had always hated.

Now exercise can mean as little as sitting on a chair with my feet flat on the floor and simply straightening my leg several times. Like the majority of my friends with either disabilities or disabling illnesses I have to be careful not to get carried away and do too much. I did that back in 2008 when I was apparently improving a little; I got excited that I could walk - without sticks - for up to half a mile. I pushed it too hard, got carried away and ended up spending months in bed; almost back to where I started out.

Because I spend a ridiculous amount of time unable to get out of bed I have had to alter my expectations of what exercise is and try to be realistic about what I can and cannot do. It is hard not to get carried away; I have a tendency to get excited and think that I can do far more than I can. I forget about the consequences of my actions and put myself in a position where I risk exercise having a seriously detrimental effect on my health.

I am trying to be good however. I am starting out with quite literally a couple of repetitions of movement and very, very slowly building on it with the hope that I will get some improvement, however small that may be.

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